Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Unit 2, lesson 1 key terms

column index- The column number in the table array from which the matching value must be returned when using a LOOKUP function.

comment- Text in Visual Basic added to code that explains how the code works. It begins with an apostraphe.

conditional formatting- A format such as cell shading or font color, that Excel automatically applies to a cell or group of cells if a specified condition is true.

custom filter- A list taken from within a larger list where the only records shown are the rows that meet the criteria you specify for a column.

data list- A series of worksheet rows that contain related data. The first row of the list has labels for the columns.

document element- The top most element in an XML file; it is used to name the table when imported into an application.

end-tag- The tag that specifies the end of an elemint; it is case-sensitive. For example, is an end-tag for the Name field.

export- To use data in another program

extensible markup language- A format for delivering rich, structured data from an application in a standard, consistent way.

filter- A list taken from within a larger list where the only records shown are the rows thhat meet the ctiteria you choose from a stop-down list for a column.

HLOOKUP- A function that searches for a value in the top row of a table and then returns a value in the same column from a row you specify in the table.

import- To use data from another program.

interactive data- A HTML file that contains special components that allow browser users to interact with the workbook.

Lookup value- The balue to be found in the first molum nof the table array when using a LOOKUP function.

named range- A word or string of characters that represent a cell, tange of cells, formula, or constant value.

processing statement- A statement in XML format that provides additional application-specific information about the document; it begins and ends with a question mark.

start-tag- The tag that begins an XML statement;

static data- Sata appears as it would in Excel, including tabs that users can click to switch between worksheets; however, users cannot change or interact with the data in the browser.

table array- The table of information in which data is looked up when using a LOOKUP function.

VLOOKUP- A function that searches for a value in the left most column of a table.

World Wide Web Consortium- a consurtion of commercial and educational institutions that oversees research and promotes standards in all areas related to the world wide web.

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